Sunday, March 29, 2020

Choose a New Way

To the lighthouses and keepers of the light, whether you be a military member, a civilian, a healer, someone in government in any position, we have at this time the capacity to correct any mistakes even if we stood aside and waited for someone else to do so earlier. We can in this time and changes of ages take on not more, but take on a BETTER way. Should we choose not to , we inadvertently enable and therefore facilitate not just the ongoing actions and ramifications but likely a magnification of the events occurring at this time. Should we choose peace, should we choose logic, should we choose reason, and should we choose doing the right thing specifically because it is the right. No man, no woman, no nation, no world, and no planet ever shifted into a higher state of peace and prosperity simply because they wished it to be so; it occurred when and only when individuals and groups made decisive, direct and conscious choices to do so. If you find in these times laws are needed that have yet to be made, then help to create them. If you find action is needed to dissolve war like behavior then help to take the actions to dissolve it. If you find laws exist that have yet to be enforced then help to enforce them. But I say to you, do NOT stand aside, do NOT put your head in the sand, and do NOT give these grand and noble tasks to another when you yourself are able and willing to be the waves of change.

We can not be a great people, a great Nation, a great World, a great Planet, a great Individual, not a Great Covenant if we sallow that which even to look upon causes our heart to drop or the mind to rattle with "How can this be?". Be true to who you are at the core, be true to yourself, seek out that which is nobler, kinder, compassionate, and loyal to justice for the innocent and the good. You DO HAVE THE POWER FOR CHANGE. Be That and it WILL be enough.

Blessed be
Pray for peace, pray for healing, pray for justice, pray for truth
Asking for prayer at each meal if only briefly because even in this we have the grace added to the seeds of men and we can prevail, we can overcome.... We SHALL NOT BE MOVED.

I do have a Facebook, Instagram and YouTube account with videos as well
Facebook is Candy Freeman, Instagram is thebookoflight, YouTube is

The Book of Light

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