What do you have faith in? What is it at the core of your faith? Love, fear, hope, truth, trust, hate, judgement, rage, injustice, pain?
From what place do you choose your actions? What is your fundamental feeling about the world? What is the fundamental feeling about your place in that world? And what is your expectation of what you will experience in the world?
We all have faith in something, it is inherent to being alive and having the intellect. Whether we are conscious or not of it, in every moment we are thinking, responding, and taking action out of this place. Thought leads to action and all things flow from this, all experiences then lead from here as well. Thought is formed out of belief, out of faith. So, for example if we are engaging in the world from the belief there is not enough, or that people will hurt us (emotionally or otherwise) we then form all of our thoughts, take all of our actions, and have all of our reactions out of this belief... I think people will hurt me, therefore I don't trust them, therefore I do not engage with them in a genuine and unguarded way precisely because they can not be trusted, and when they do a thing we see it as proof of this... You see it all flows one unto the other.
In becoming aware of what we believe we open the door to asking ourselves some questions. Does this serve me? Does it give me the kinds of experiences I really want? Is this a truth? Is it a truth that is consistent and always true in my experience? Where did this belief come from? Can I remember when I started believing it? Was there a before and then an after I decided this was true? And finally, is this what I want to be true about the world?
The questions help us open up our own awareness of what is driving our behavior and our experience. But the amazingly beautiful thing is, we always, always, always get to choose. If you don't like your answer, if seeing what you have been driven by and what beliefs you have been acting on is NOT what you want you can just choose again. Change your mind, believe in something else... Maybe have faith in a better possibility.
From what place do you choose your actions? What is your fundamental feeling about the world? What is the fundamental feeling about your place in that world? And what is your expectation of what you will experience in the world?
We all have faith in something, it is inherent to being alive and having the intellect. Whether we are conscious or not of it, in every moment we are thinking, responding, and taking action out of this place. Thought leads to action and all things flow from this, all experiences then lead from here as well. Thought is formed out of belief, out of faith. So, for example if we are engaging in the world from the belief there is not enough, or that people will hurt us (emotionally or otherwise) we then form all of our thoughts, take all of our actions, and have all of our reactions out of this belief... I think people will hurt me, therefore I don't trust them, therefore I do not engage with them in a genuine and unguarded way precisely because they can not be trusted, and when they do a thing we see it as proof of this... You see it all flows one unto the other.
In becoming aware of what we believe we open the door to asking ourselves some questions. Does this serve me? Does it give me the kinds of experiences I really want? Is this a truth? Is it a truth that is consistent and always true in my experience? Where did this belief come from? Can I remember when I started believing it? Was there a before and then an after I decided this was true? And finally, is this what I want to be true about the world?
The questions help us open up our own awareness of what is driving our behavior and our experience. But the amazingly beautiful thing is, we always, always, always get to choose. If you don't like your answer, if seeing what you have been driven by and what beliefs you have been acting on is NOT what you want you can just choose again. Change your mind, believe in something else... Maybe have faith in a better possibility.
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